While you may already have insurance coverage, it’s always beneficial to review your policies and ensure all of your needs are covered. It only takes a few minutes to determine whether you and those you love have enough coverage.
To learn more about our insurance options and protecting those you care about, contact us to schedule a no-obligation appointment today!
3Rivers can help you review your current policies and determine whether you may benefit from additional insurance options to address issues including:
Personal Concerns:
- Death before loan/debt repayment can be finished
- Spouse outliving a life-only pension plan
- Death before reaching personal financial goals
- Retirement funding for spouse, child’s education
- Tax-free income
- Disability Insurance
- Long-term Care Insurance
Family Concerns:
- Death of a primary income earner
- Final expenses
- Dependent income
- Education
- Family goals
- Support of parents
- Wealth transfer/preservation
Business Concerns:
- Death of a partner or co-shareholder
- Death of a key employee
- Loss of a key employee to a competitor
- Liquidity of the business in the event of an owner’s death
- Special situations (e.g. stock repurchases, fund retirement benefits)