Saving for & Enjoying Retirement
When planning for retirement, it’s important to consider not only getting to an age and a dollar amount that justifies retiring, but to ensure you’ve saved and planned enough to live comfortably and happily in your golden years. It’s crucial that you start saving early, keep saving, and regularly check in to see where you’re at—while also having a realistic goal in mind. According to the United States Department of Labor, Americans live, on average, 20 years post-retirement and “will need 70 to 90 percent of [their] preretirement income to maintain [their] standard of living when [they] stop working.”
We know that saving that kind of money can seem daunting—no matter your current age—but by educating yourself, coming up with a solid plan, and staying focused, saving for an enjoyable retirement is doable.
Here are some resources you may find helpful, whether you’ve just begun saving for, are nearing, or are already enjoying retirement.
3Rivers Resources:
- 3Rivers Retirement Planning Services
- 3Rivers Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs)
- 3Rivers Investment Options
- An Overview of Our Investment Services
- Retirement Cheat Sheet
- Retirement Lifestyle Planning Sheet
- How to Retire Wealthier Overview
- Calculators
- How to Leverage Your HSA for Retirement Impact
- 3Rivers Estate Planning
- Trusts at 3Rivers
Government Resources:
- Social Security Administration: Understanding Your Retirement Benefits
- United States Department of Labor: Preparing for Retirement
- Top 10 Ways to Prepare for Retirement Guide via United States Department of Labor
- Types of Retirement Plans via the IRS
- Taking the Mystery Out of Retirement Planning Workbook via United States Department of Labor
- Managing Your Money in Retirement via AARP
We’d love to help you get on the right track to retiring comfortably, or see how we may be able to help you enjoy your retirement even more if you’re already there. Give us a call, stop into your nearest branch, or schedule an appointment today!