Your Financial Peace of Mind in Trying Times

When natural disasters, viral outbreaks, or tragic, unexpected personal life events take place, it’s all too common that the primary concern is not how we’ll get our health, our homes, or our lives back on track – rather, it’s how we’ll survive financially. This especially rings true if you find yourself in a position of living paycheck to paycheck, without paid time off, without insurance, or without a substantial savings to get you by.

Our team at 3Rivers wants you to be able to focus on what matters most in trying times like these – your well-being and peace of mind. We strive to go above and beyond by listening to your concerns, helping you to come up with a plan, walking you through your options, and offering the support and encouragement you need to realize that everything will be okay.
We recognize that every situation is different, and that’s why we steer clear of cookie-cutter solutions, working with our members to ensure we offer them options that will best suit their unique financial needs.
While we’re always happy to offer you the products and services you’d expect from a financial institution, it means even more to us to help you feel confident with your financial situation so you can pour your energy into what's most important to you.
If you’re feeling fearful or frustrated about your financial state, don’t hesitate to ask for help!
We encourage you to reach out to us if you’re concerned about how unexpected life events will impact your finances. We’re here for you and ready to help you determine your best steps going forward.
Visit your nearest branch or give us a call at 260.490.8328 to talk to a team member. You may also schedule an appointment online.